We now carry GreenPleco aquatic Plush toys!
Aquatic support systems is proud to carry GreenPleco brand Plushies. These Plushies come with suction cups and are designed to be displayed on your fish tank, a window, or a mirror.
GreenPleco Original Plecostomus Plush Plecos are 12 inches and 6 inches in length and pretty anatomically correct. Fins are where fins should be and they even have loricariid lips in front of the suckers. Hand them to an expert, and they could probably sex them for you. They come complete with suction cup on there mouth for mounting on pretty much anything a typical suction cup will adhere to. They’re made of synthetic acrylic fiber, so no animals were harmed in the making of, and they’re not recommended for children under three. But let’s be honest, most of us are not buying these for our kids, are we?
We also have Cichlids, Goldfish, Corydoras, Shrimps, Loaches and Bettas!!!
Head on over to our website to check out the full line and collect them all!
You can order these foods from our eStore: Green Pleco Plushies.
Aquatic support systems carries these plush toys:
- Crystal Red Shrimp
- Clown Loach
- Betta
- Corydoras
- Frontosa
- Goldfish
- several Plecos